
JenniM16 - a Z-Day story in tweets.

gna jmp 1 minute ago from txt

Cnt brth cnt see thnk bby dd 5 minutes ago from txt

@Shady12 we shld hv dun it whn we hd th chnce I was stpd 11 minutes ago from txt

@BigRobM mom im sorry I ddnt save stevie not your flt I shld have kpt trying 2 get 2 you love you be safe 12 minutes ago from txt

cant get off rf fire on all sds 20 minutes ago from txt

bldg def on fire lkng for way dwn cnt see 25 minutes ago from txt

still no mr s im locking roof dr lots of smoke thnk bldg on fire 30 minutes ago from txt

mr s hasn't come back haven't heard any shooting for a while 40 minutes ago from txt

mr s says amm half gone wll cm bck whn out to blck rf dr about 1 hour ago from txt

on roof mr s blcked stairs btwn 3 and 2 w couch chrs dsks hes shting ovr thm @ zmbs they got mrs k about 2 hours ago from txt

taking bro to roof with Mrs Karsch taking phone about 2 hours ago from web

I think theyre in the bldg shotgun firing dwnstrs fuck about 2 hours ago from web

@Shady12 @BigRobM where are you I hope you made it about 3 hours ago from web

@Shady12 @BigRobM where are you please be ok about 4 hours ago from web

@RedGenie ok good luck Liv love you about 4 hours ago from web in reply to RedGenie

@RedGenie dont know haven't hrd frm Chrissy all day and Tim since 1pm. Yancey at sisters but sis got bit maybe turned havent hrd frm her. about 4 hours ago from web in reply to RedGenie

@RedGenie god I'm so sorry about 4 hours ago from web in reply to RedGenie

@RedGenie wheres yr mom and dad? about 4 hours ago from web

Lots of shooting everywhere there's smoke from outside in here and the apt building across the street is on fire. about 4 hours ago from web

Another explosion tanks shooting rly loud! 2 windows broken in living room Stevie crying. about 4 hours ago from web

@RedGenie no don't come here it's bad here read back a little about 4 hours ago from web in reply to RedGenie

@RedGenie where are you? I have baby tried 2 get 2 bridge 2 meet rents & bro but couldnt get there now back at apt pwr out about 4 hours ago from web in reply to RedGenie

If anyone is reading my tweets reply please about 5 hours ago from web

@Shady12 pls pls call or text or tweet or something so I know yr alive I love you baby I'm sorry about last night about 5 hours ago from web

@Candystriper I hope yr still alive I love you lots pls call or txt or tweet about 5 hours ago from web

Big explosion rattled windows wtf about 5 hours ago from web

@BigRobM are you guys at aunt Jo's call me on cell home phone is dead about 5 hours ago from web

Theres a tank going down my street fast wtf lots of smoke hard to see about 5 hours ago from web

Baby asleep again prbly stay dwn for the night. Flashlight is weak looking for more batts. No shooting now but I think there's a fire close about 5 hours ago from web

More shooting in the street machine guns this time I think it's the NG PD don't have guns like that about 6 hours ago from web

@Candystriper @Shady12 pls call or msg about 6 hours ago from web

@YanceyWray are you there? about 6 hours ago from web

@YanceyWray are you there? If she got bit don't go into her room block the door. about 6 hours ago from web in reply to YanceyWray

Mr. Stevenson dwnstrs came 2 door 2 see if we're ok he's got a shotgun & going to guard the door downstairs till the pwr cms back. about 6 hours ago from web

@YanceyWray where is she now? about 7 hours ago from web in reply to YanceyWray

@YanceyWray how bad is she bleeding? Did she get bit? about 7 hours ago from web in reply to YanceyWray

@YanceyWray I'm glad you made it! Is your sis ok? about 7 hours ago from web in reply to YanceyWray

The big blue bldg where Mr Karsch worked is totally on fire and theres a couple other fires away I can't tell what they are. about 7 hours ago from web

huge fire dwntwn that bldg w the blu wndws and 1 othr 1 frther wst. Lts of shtng snds far awy. about 7 hours ago from txt

power just went off and it's getting dark outside not a lot of shooting but I think there's a big fire downtown going up to the roof. about 8 hours ago from web

@SwtnsnLght ok tell yr mom no I'm staying here but good luck love you about 8 hours ago from web in reply to SwtnsnLght

@Candystriper @Shady12 please call or tweet or txt please about 8 hours ago from web

@YanceyWray please stay there about 9 hours ago from web in reply to YanceyWray

@YanceyWray please don't please please stay there streets not safe I'm serious it's zombies about 9 hours ago from web in reply to YanceyWray

@SwtnsnLght Kevin is with his folks he txted me around 5 they're in CT about 9 hours ago from web in reply to SwtnsnLght

@Candystriper @SwtnsnLght @Shady12 @YanceyWray where are you guys?about 9 hours ago from web

p.s. Stevie slept through the whole thing about 9 hours ago from web

@BigRobM couldn't get through answer your phone M&D&You go on to Jo's the baby and I are safe here inside bldg has security door. about 9 hours ago from web

If you do go out run because the zombies move slow also the National Guard and cops are shooting anything that moves slow. about 9 hours ago from web

Back at apartment it's zombies and they're all over the place I'm serious don't go outside. about 9 hours ago from web

cnt get thru gng back 2 apt lots of shtng about 9 hours ago from txt

not clt or crzys zombies! almst got bit stay inside!! about 10 hours from txt

hdng in krn groc cops and ng shooting lots about 10 hours from txt

Ng rdblk on ave going a cpl blks east about 11 hours ago from txt

cops yell but let me thru dead guy still there covered about 11 hours ago from txt

@Candystriper @SwtnsnLght @Shady12 @YanceyWray walking to the bridge with the baby M&D&Rob meeting me. about 12 hours ago from web

@BigRobM all right I'll go now about 12 hours ago from web

@BigRobM are you crazy I can't walk 35 blocks carrying Stevie tell mom she's nuts about 12 hours ago from web

More shooting I think there's a dead guy in the street but cops are there about 12 hours ago from web

@Candystriper call as soon as you get this emergency your mom called looking 4 you about 13 hours ago from web

@BigRobM bite I mean. about 13 hours ago from web

@BigRobM try them again in a minute. Dude it's not terrorists they blow stuff up they don't bit people. about 13 hours ago from web in reply to BigRobM

Channel 12 is saying that they have the bitey people “contained” but I just heard like four gun shots all the way down here. about 13 hours ago from web

@BigRobM call mom and dad they're over near you and can't get here about 14 hours ago from web in reply to BigRobM

@BigRobM where are you right now? Are you watching tv? about 14 hours ago from web

@SwtnsnLght Don't know... about 14 hours ago via web in reply to SwtnsnLght

@Shady12 call me when you get there. about 14 hours ago in reply to Shady12

Ch12 says stay inside mntl ptnts but a min later they ran statement from NG that its a cult but they have it under cntrl stay inside. about 14 hours ago from web

@Candystriper answer your phone yo about 14 hours ago from web

@Candystriper did you go to work today? What's going on at the hosp? about 15 hours ago via web

Mom called and said there were soldiers downtown and they won't let them thru and to stay here about 15 hours ago via web

@SwtnsnLght where are you right now? about 15 hours ago via web in reply to SwtnsnLght

@Shady12 where are you right now? about 15 hours ago via web in reply to Shady12

Channel 12 dude said it's zombies. But they cut to cmrcl and when came back it was a diff dude and that one said it was mntl ptnts again. about 16 hours ago from web

@YanceyWray WTF? about 16 hours ago from web in reply to YanceyWray

@YanceyWray channel 12 news just said some shit about mental patients biting people. CNN's talking about sports. about 16 hours ago from web in reply to YanceyWray

Worst diaper load ever about 16 hours ago from web

@SwtnsnLght you're real funny about 16 hours ago from web in reply to SwtnsnLght

What is up with the sirens and the roads? Anybody know? about 17 hours ago from web

@Shady12 some shit going on near the hsptl & the roads are being closed. M&D are going the long way around so it'll be a while. about 17 hours ago from web in reply to Shady12

Lots of sirens for a sunday. about 17 hours ago from web

Getting in the shower while baby bro still asleep about 17 hours ago from web

@SwtnsnLght Woohoo party pics! I look good Tim looks druuuuunk lol. #TimBdayBash09 about 18 hours ago from web

@Shady12 mom and dad went to church and left the baby here. :-( But maybe after they get back about 18 hours ago from web in reply to Shady12

@Shady12 msg me when you're up about 18 hours ago from web

I'm up great party last night! about 18 hours ago from web


  1. Damn, this is really intense. Well done.

  2. Probably showing my age here, but I couldn't follow it very well.


    1. It's the format — a twitter timeline is reversed (newest messages on top, so the first thing you read is the last action) — and the extreme, sometimes questionable abbreviation, which is a result of the character trying to cram messages into 140 characters under extreme stress...

      Don't feel bad, and thanks for reading!

    2. Hehee... Okay... I'm also not on Twitter. Have tried to get on there, but it cracks the shits every time I've attempted to do anything. So, I give up. It won't let me in, won't let me Tweet, won't let me follow.

      Tells me that 'somebody already has your twitter feed' (um.. yes, that's me! I just created it!) and won't let onto it even though the password is right and everything.

      So, yeah, I stopped trying to get onto Twitter.

    3. Ahh, gotcha. Well, sorry to hear that! Personally I manage six different twitter accounts (personal, writing real name, writing pen name, parody character, writing prompt, band) and I love it. :)
