
The New Amsterdam Vampire Bowling Team

"You're up."

The display over the lane has our names: Me, Coral, Wen, Rocky. No Gunnar, of course, and there'll be no mention of why.

"I don't understand why we're here."

"I figured we needed a change."

I throw my first ball. It's been forty years, maybe fifty, but the muscles remember: the ball curves elegantly and the pins scatter. An 'X' appears on the scoreboard as I return to my seat next to Coral. "These people will be full of cholesterol."

"The clubbers were always full of liquor. What's the difference?" She gets up to bowl, throws a strike as flawless as mine.

I shake my head, look around. Rocky is at the jukebox, looking for music; but of course there's nothing in it old enough for him to like. Wen is battling a stand-up arcade game, the kind that cost a dollar, and there are children watching her. "I don't think they're playing."

"Bowl for Wen, I'll bowl for Rocky."

We finish the first frame and start the second. I should be looking around, picking out a 'donor', arranging to bump into them, compliment them on their play, whatever, but instead I'm concentrating on the game. I used to play at a place in the fifties, a road house with a bar attached. The balls were coated with rubber, then; Things change. My ball sails down the lane and crashes into the pins, a little too loud. Another 'X' appears on the screen.

We finish out the second frame. As I get up to start the third, Coral is staring at the board: there are too many 'X' marks for her liking. "You should throw a spare. No perfect games, we don't want to attract attention."

The annoyed look that crosses my face is subtle and ephemeral, but she notices. We've known each other a long time.


"I wanted the turkey."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine. But you're leaving at least three pins standing by the end." Coral knows best.


  1. I ADORE the New Amsterdam vampires! I absolutely love the tone of this piece, the line about Gunnar, the hints at their ages, the final line. Wonderful bit of writing!

  2. I'm not really into vampires...but I really enjoyed this story. I had to laugh at wanting the turkey, and the concession to leave a few pins standing - even vampires want the perfect game!

  3. Love it. And yeah, a full team throwing a perfect game would probably bring lots of attention their way.

    1. Thank you. Discretion is definitely the better part of valor. :-)

  4. Two perfect games in the same session would definitely make everyone notice. The vampires surely need to keep a low profile.

  5. This is written so well! I could easily see this as a movie or television series. Great job!

    1. Thank you! :-) Though I think there's probably enough vampire-themed TV and Movies right now.

    2. Probably, but I'd still watch it. :)

    3. Hehe, me too, since I'd be writing it, lol. ;-)

  6. Just when you think you might have had enough of vampire stories this one comes along. Love it - unique - great tone - great angle. Nice writing!

  7. That cholesterol line made me laugh at loud. This is great fun.

  8. This is certainly different. Bowling vampires is so imaginative, and there are some great lines in this. Thank you for linking up!

  9. Of all the things vampires have time to get good at, bowling never crossed my mind. Yet it makes perfect sense, of course.
    'we´ve known each other a long time' - terrific line.
    Fun read!

  10. Fun take on the prompt with a refreshing spin

  11. Cholesterol, liquor, what's a vampire to do? This was a fun read!
