
Fantasy Drabble #345 “Smack”

He ran, having dropped his pack, his sword, his helmet, and any pretense of dignity or bravery. Where the ground was level and clear he felt as a gazelle must; where it was broken and overgrown he leaped, stumbled and swore and begged the gods to return him their favor. The shaking of the ground made matters increasingly worse.

Eventually he lost his footing, fell, rolled, tried to get up and failed. He was plunged into shadow, and twisted to look up. From out of the silhouette of the giant thrust an immense open palm, straight at where he lay.


  1. Looks like this hero poked at more than he could handle.

    Squashed by a giant...that would be one of my top five ways not to go out (it's right up there with "eaten alive by a zombie").

    Nice 100.

    1. At least it was over quick! Thanks for reading. :-)

  2. love your style, David. I'm sure Californians and Alaskans who both recently had earthquakes, could feel his emotions on the shaking ground. But a giant palm? OUCH!! :)

    1. Thanks. :-) I'm in Maryland, where in my lifetime we have had (to my knowledge) two significant earthquakes, one of which I apparently slept through. I was so delighted to be experiencing the one I was awake for that I actually giggled while bounding down the stairs and into the front yard. :-)

  3. I enjoyed your post. Wow, I used to hate it when my parents "smacked" me, but how much worse to be smacked by a giant!!!

    I smiled at your comment about the earthquakes too. I'm from Delaware, and a couple of years ago, I felt the earthquake that was centered in VA. I was in a parking garage at the time, and thought someone was messing with me and shaking my car, but when I looked around, there was no one. My next thought was that there was something seriously wrong with my car engine, which I quickly turned off, and when the shaking stopped, I was convinced it was my car, but when I walked up to the hospital, I saw several people milling about and learned that I had experienced my first earthquake. And I thought I must be the only one goofy enough to be tickled about experiencing an earthquake, but I see from your comment that I'm not. :)

    1. I'm certain that was the same one I was talking about. :-) Thanks for reading and commenting!

  4. Very Lilliputian. (Fortunately, Florida rarely experiences earthquakes, but we make up for it with hurricanes.)
