
Grandpa, On His Way Out Of Town

Do you remember being cool?

Is there part of you that recalls biking halfway across the country with the redheaded girl on the back just because you had a week off and had never seen the Grand Canyon? Wading in and pulling those two guys apart before they killed each other over a spilled beer in a dive bar in Okeechobee? Playing the shaker on that Big Brother and the Holding Company record?

Isn’t there a picture somewhere of you with Bowie and Lou Reed and Bette Midler?

Can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.


  1. there comes a time when cool catches up to us you know...
    and when we are laying in that bed and unable to respond
    just how much does cool count?

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting. :-)

    2. brian you are keeping it up though... ure fun to have around the blog!!

    3. I should really comment more. Some things, like poetry, I just don't feel qualified to comment on. I always read, though.

  2. Damn. This broke my art. Well-played.

  3. i remember being cool once... I crashed a badly engineered plane once- walked out and picked another one and went flying again... i was kinda scared later but at that time it felt really cool :P

  4. Replies
    1. "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool." - Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Lester Bangs, from 'Almost Famous'.

  5. Yes, where are the snows of yesteryear..?

  6. I guess it is hard to remain cool..but, the memories are there..can you hear me..I think he could..

  7. I expect the guy was cool . . . but wears an arrogant look
    which some of the gals might find attractive.
    Loved the piece ~ Eddie
