On The Web
- My Personal Blog - it's my life. No, I'm not quoting Bon Jovi. Rarely updated any more.
- Lightspeed Magazine - SF
- LightningFM - SF
- Locus online - SF
- Daily Science Fiction - Daily SF
- Redstone Science Fiction - SF
- Lost Zombies -
- Things From Another World - you need some comic books.
- Alex Laybourne - a fellow traveler
Writing Prompts
- This Is Wordplay - Nika Harper's Geek & Sundry writing Vlog/challenge
- The Parking Lot Confessional 500 Club - 500-word writing prompts, weekly.
- Velvet Verbosity - home of the 100-word challenge
- Friday Fictioneers - a picture prompt challenge
- Sunday Scribblings - general writing prompt
- Visdare - picture prompt challenge
- Write On Edge - home of the Red Writing Hood challenge
- Terrible Minds - Chuck Wendig's Flash Fiction challenge
- Clever Fiction - Weekly prompts
- Trifecta - 33 to 333 word challenge, using the 3rd dictionary definition of the chosen word
- Studio30+ - Writing community, weekly prompt
On Twitter
- DavidWriting - my writing
- Agincourtdb - my personal twitter
- 5WordStory - self-explanatory I would think
- Thaumatrope - F/SF/H twitter fiction
- DeadEndFiction - short horror fiction
- VeryShortStory - Twitfic